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5 Best Tips for Those Without a Green Thumb

If you’ve ever tried your hand at keeping houseplants alive only to watch them wither despite your best efforts, you’re not alone. I’m that mum without a green thumb, unlike my dad, who is a wizz at keeping the plants and flowers indoors and outdoors looking amazing. Some people are gifted with green thumbs, fingers, and even toes.

I’ve noticed that many people struggle with plant care, whether it’s due to forgetfulness, lack of knowledge, or simply being too busy. 

Here are five tips to help those without a green thumb keep their plants healthy and happy.

Without a Green Thumb Bright Sofa in living room

Select “Unkillable” Plants

One of the most important steps for anyone lacking a green thumb is to choose plants that are easy to care for. These “unkillable” plants are hardy, low-maintenance, and forgiving of a bit of neglect. Some popular options include the snake plant and spider plant. 

According to a survey of bad plant parents, most were from Beards and Daisies, a company known for supplying resilient plants. 

Opt for Prominent Placements

Out of sight, out of mind—this saying holds especially true regarding houseplants. Place them in prominent locations around your home to increase the chances of remembering to care for your plants. 

Consider using wall hooks or floating shelves to display your plants at eye level. When plants are in obvious areas, you’re more likely to notice when they need watering or a little TLC. 

Without a Green Thumb Large plant by front door

Make Plant Care Part of Your Routine

Creating a routine is vital to caring for plants, especially if you’re prone to forgetting. There are even apps available to assist you with this. For example, Finch is a wellness app that works as a modern-day Tamagotchi, encouraging you to complete self-care tasks to keep your digital animal happy. You can add plant care tasks to your routine within the app, turning them into habits over time. 

Select Kitchen Plants

If you struggle to care for ornamental plants, why not try growing kitchen plants instead? Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary are not only easy to grow but also serve a practical purpose. Because they yield direct benefits in cooking, you’re more likely to remember to water and tend to them.

Regularly using these herbs in your meals provides a constant reminder of their presence, which can help keep them alive. Plus, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of snipping fresh herbs from your kitchen garden to add to your dishes.

Kitchen small herbs plant pots

Group All Your Plants Together

Creating an indoor plant display by grouping your plants has several advantages. Not only does it make for an attractive focal point in your home, but it also makes plant care easier. When your plants are all in one place, watering, pruning, and checking on them regularly is much simpler. 

A cluster of plants can also create a microenvironment that retains humidity, which benefits many houseplants. This method encourages you to care for all your plants at once, reducing the chances of forgetting about individual ones tucked away in different corners of your home.

Large in door plant pots

Before You Go

Having a green thumb isn’t required to enjoy indoor plants’ benefits. By selecting unkillable plants, placing them in prominent locations, making plant care part of your routine, opting for kitchen plants, and grouping them together, you can turn your home into a thriving indoor garden. These simple strategies can help even the most forgetful plant parent keep their greenery alive and flourishing. 

So, don’t let past failures discourage you—try these tips and watch your plants thrive. With a bit of attention and the right approach, anyone can enjoy the beauty of a lush, green home.

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